Just released this week: Mythlore's special issue on "Fantasy Goes to Hell."
Copies of the complete issue can be purchased directly from the Mythopoeic Society. Individual pieces can be accessed from their archive at SWOSU Digital Commons.
Mythlore 144 Volume 42, Issue 2
Spring/Summer 2024
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Special Issue: Fantasy Goes to Hell
— Janet Brennan Croft and Erin Gianinni
Tolkien, Augustinian Theodicy, and ‘Lovecraftian’ Evil
— Perry Neil Harrison
Substance Abuse: The Symbolic Geography of Hell in The Great Divorce
— Richard Angelo Bergen
Denial and Acceptance: A Core Myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in the Modern Lyric
— Brian O. Murdoch
Orpheus and the Harrowing of Hell in the Tale of Beren and Lúthien
— Giovanni Carmine Costabile
Two Roads to Hell: Rebirth and Relevance in Musical Adaptations of Katabatic Myth
— Jarrod DePrado
Timeless Moments: Russell Kirk, Charles Williams, and Stephen King on the Afterlife
— Camilo Peralta
Hell on His Mind: Dean Winchester’s Journey to Hell and Back
— Anna Caterino
“Hell is Only a Word, The Reality is Much, Much Worse”: Black Holes as Fantasy Gateways to Hell
— Kristine Larsen
Hell as an Exploration of Sin: A Comparison of Alan Moore’s Providence to Dante’s Inferno
— Zachary Rutledge
Notes and Letters
Dating “The Dark Tower”: C.S. Lewis, the Nazis, and the Jews — Lee Oser
Whatever Happened to The Princess Bride? Thoughts for Further William Goldman Research — G. Connor Salter
Some Observations on the Newspaper Reports on Tolkien’s Andrew Lang Lecture in 1939 — Matthew Thompson-Handell
In Memoriam: Peter J. Schakel — Janet Brennan Croft
In Memoriam: Richard (Dick) Plotz — Janet Brennan Croft
Monster Midway: An Uninhibited Look at the Glittering World of the Carny by William Lindsay Gresham — G. Connor Salter
Fantasy: How It Works by Brian Attebery — Glenn R. Gray
Tarot and Other Meditation Decks: History, Theory, Aesthetics, Typology, 2nd edition, by Emily E. Auger — Laurel M. Stevens
The Archetype of the Dying and Rising God in World Mythology by Paul R. Rovang — James Hamby
The Inklings, the Victorians, and the Moderns: Reconciling Tradition in the Modern Age by Christopher Butynskyi — Hannah Frances Roux
Essays Triologue: Kepler, Twain, Lewis by Susan Dorman — Sharon L. Bolding
Pursuing an Earthy Spirituality: C.S. Lewis and Incarnational Faith by Gary S. Selby — Sarah O’Dell
The Literary Tarot, The Literary Tarot Classics Edition Guidebook, and Oracle’s Atlas: A Companion to the Literary Tarot Classics Edition from the Brink Literacy Project — Emily E. Auger
The Medieval Worlds of Neil Gaiman: From Beowulf to Sleeping Beauty by Shiloh Carroll — Kris Swank
J.R.R. Tolkien in Central Europe: Context, Directions, and the Legacy edited by Janka Kascakova and David Levente Palatinus — Nancy Martsch
Tolkien in the Twenty-First Century: The Meaning of Middle-Earth Today by Nick Groom — Laura N. Van Dyke
Ursula K. Le Guin’s “A Wizard of Earthsea”: A Critical Companion by Timothy S. Miller, and Ursula Le Guin’s Earthsea by John Plotz — David Bratman
Mystical Perelandra: My Lifelong Reading of C.S. Lewis & His Favorite Book by James Como — Eleanor Knobil
A Joyful Outpost: Exploring the Household Economy of the Beavers from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, by Aaron Bair — Josiah Peterson
Journey Back Again: Reasons to Visit Middle-earth, Mythopoeic Press edition, edited by Diana Pavlac Glyer — Kristine Larsen
J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit: Realizing History Through Fantasy by Robert T. Tally Jr. — Bianca Beronio
Historical Dictionary of Fantasy Literature, 2nd edition, by Allen Stroud — Douglas A. Anderson
Briefly Noted:
101 Middle Eastern Tales and their Impact on Western Oral Tradition, by Ulrich Marzolph — Daniel C. Snell
The Road to Fair Elfland: Tolkien on Fairy-stories: An Extended Commentary, by Giovanni Carmine Costabile — Landon Loftin