Special Topics Journal Issue - Adaptation Across the Humanities (Deadline: May 1, 2014)
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Robert Neblett / Humanities Education and Research Association (HERA)
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Call for Papers!
Special Issue: Fall 2014
Re-Imagining, Re-Remembering and Cultural Recycling:
Adaptation Across the Humanities
Guest Editor: Robert L. Neblett
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2014
In the opening words of her 2006 essay, “Re-runs and Repetition,” MacArthur Grant recipient and Pulitzer Prize finalist Sarah Ruhl posits, “It seems we live in an age of cultural recycling.” Ruhl dissects the role of adaptation in contemporary culture, focusing primarily on theatrical revisions of Greek myth, and argues that twenty-first-century audiences tend to embrace structures that they find familiar. Ruhl suggests that adaptations do not merely duplicate or mimic a pre-existing work of art, but instead filter it through our subjective sense of memory, as she cites her mentor, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paula Vogel: “To re-remember…to remember again. Not nostalgia, but a deeper form of remembering, a structure of loss. What I believe she [Vogel] is getting at is the revelation of some kind of being.” Linda Hutcheon, a leader in the field of contemporary adaptation studies, stresses that the adaptive urge is a ubiquitous creative impulse in her 2006 book A Theory of Adaptation: “In the workings of the human imagination, adaptation is the norm, not the exception.”
While in recent years adaptation studies has become primarily associated with the discipline of film studies, the field of adaptation is in a sense the study of the human imagination - how we reconstruct familiar structures, be they literary, historical, architectural, psychological, socioeconomic, sociopolitical, pedagogical, or performative. In an attempt to reclaim adaptation as a more expansive subject of study that crosses disciplinary thresholds, this special issue of Interdisciplinary Humanities deals with a broad range of topics related to the re-visioning, or “seeing again,” of familiar structures and patterns, and the many innovations and anxieties associated with this process.
We will be looking for scholarly articles, book reviews, and nonfiction essays that explore a number of issues, including but not limited to reinterpreting the classics, in/fidelity to source materials, chronological precedence as an in/accurate gauge for textual primacy, the intention/agenda of the adaptor, adaptation across media (novel to film, poem to song, play to musical, legend to opera, pop culture snafu into internet meme), stylistic superimposition, intertextuality and adaptation from multiple sources, and knowing vs. unknowing audiences. Artists wishing to have their works published on the cover of IH should submit works that are representative of the theme(s) of a particular issue.
Please send inquiries and submissions by May 1, 2014 to Dr. Robert L. Neblett at robert.neblett@gmail.com.
All essays should be interdisciplinary in nature and not exceed 6,000 words. Essays should be typed and double-spaced, formatted for printing on standard paper with one-inch margins and submitted electronically as Microsoft Word documents. Place your name and affiliation in the upper right hand corner of the first page of your manuscript.
Please refer to official IH Submission Guidelines at http://www.h-e-r-a.org/hera_journal.htm
*Please note: The Humanities Education and Research Association, Interdisciplinary Humanities’ parent organization, requires that authors become members of HERA if their essays are accepted for publication. Information on membership may be found at http://www.h-e-r-a.org/hera_join.htm
By web submission at 02/12/2014 - 17:59
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