Tuesday, September 1, 2015

CFP Pedagogy & Popular Culture Area (11/1/2015; SWPACA Albuquerque 2/10-13/2016)

Pedagogy & Popular Culture - SW Popular & American Culture Association, CFP Deadline: 11/1/15, Conference: 02/10 - 02/13/16
full name / name of organization: Southwest Popular & American Culture Association
contact email: kudepner@nmsu.edu

We are happy to announce the 37th annual Southwest Popular & American Culture conference in beautiful downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico!

This is a Call for Proposals (CFP) to submit paper presentations and panels on any topic involving successful or innovative approaches for teaching literature, media studies, film, cultural studies, history, television, rhetoric and composition, technical writing, technology, etc. We also welcome proposals that identify and discuss the existence or implication of specific pedagogical problems or issues, whether or not these advance any new methodologies. Proposals regarding using popular culture in the classroom are particularly encouraged.

Teachers from any type of school or curriculum are encouraged to submit proposals. Graduate students with teaching experience are particularly welcome, with award opportunities for the best graduate papers in a variety of categories, including the Phil Heldrich Award for Popular Culture Pedagogy. Please see the following link for more details: http://southwestpca.org/conference/graduate-student-awards/. Deadline for Submitting for the Phil Heldrich Award: December 1.

We also welcome submissions for our organization’s new, peer-reviewed journal, Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy http://journaldialogue.org. While we encourage and welcome all topics involving pedagogy and/or curriculum development, some suggestions for possible papers or panels are listed below:

  • Combining unusual disciplines in Writing Across the Curriculum courses
  • Utilizing new media technologies or Web 2.0 tools
  • Multimodal learning
  • Discussing the benefits and challenges of online teaching; best practice presentations are gleefully welcome!
  • Integrating popular television, films, novels, graphic novels, or music for meaningful classroom lesson planning
  • Teaching games and game theory
  • Utilizing social networking tools in the classroom
  • Using Wikis or Blogs in the classroom
  • Teaching with podcasts and videocasts
  • Editing family letters and/or journals in student projects
  • Promoting active learning by co-opting structures typically associated with webpages
  • Integrating service learning with traditional curricula
  • Constructing student projects as museum exhibits
  • Challenging standard pedagogical assumptions

Each paper proposal must include:

1. 100-250 word abstract
2. Brief biographical statement of 50 words or less for each applicant

Please check the Conference Audiovisual Policies page at http://southwestpca.org/conference/audiovideo-policy/ regarding what A/V equipment will be available in the conference rooms. Please submit your proposals to the submission database (http://conference2016.southwestpca.org).

Thank you for submission and we look forward to your participation in the 37th annual Southwest PCA/ACA Conference!

Pedagogy and Popular Culture Chair:
Kurt Depner kudepner@nmsu.edu, New Mexico State University - Dona Ana

By web submission at 08/15/2015 - 22:57

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