Ongoing Video Games Studies CFP for the Popular Culture Review
Discussion published by Amy Green on Tuesday, September 15, 2015
The Popular Culture Review is seeking out scholarly articles on video games to be included as part of an ongoing series featured in each issue. While we want to keep the range of topics open, serious consideration of the digital narrative, especially in the form of focused analyses of specific titles or series, are of special interest. Approaches combining the ludological approach with the narratological approach are also of interest. The goal of the journal is to continue to expand upon a growing and serious consideration of gaming as a storytelling platform.
Please submit your articles, as blind attachments, to Dr. Amy M. Green, who is the editor of the gaming section. The PCR accepts electronic submissions only. Please direct them to and indicate PCR Gaming Article Submission in your subject line. Please include all author information and the title of the article in the body of your email message.
Additional Information:
The Popular Culture Review is the refereed journal of Far West Popular Culture and American Culture Associations, sponsored by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and is published twice yearly. Members of the FWPCA/FWACA receive each issue as part of membership. Single copies may be purchased for $7.50 by individuals. Yearly subscriptions for institutions and libraries are $25.00. Address correspondence to the editor.
Documentation may be in the form appropriate to the discipline of the author. Otherwise, MLA format is preferred. Quotes and paraphrased passages must be followed by their citations within the text. In accordance with copyright laws, we request that quotations not exceed one-hundred (100) words in length.
The author is responsible for obtaining permissions for illustrations, song lyrics, advertisements, etc., which are to be published with the article.
Authors must be members at time of publication. (Persons who have registered for our conference are automatically members for the year of attendance. Those who have been members for at least two years are exempt.)
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