Monday, April 12, 2021

Mythcon 51 Update and New CFP (5/15/21; virtual event for Summer 2021)

 Further news from the Mythopoeic Society:

Mythcon 51

Halfling MC 51 logo

Mythcon 51

Moving Online - Dates To Be Determined



Due to ongoing health concerns and the realization that we cannot now plan something that may violate future New Mexico state health and safety regulations, whatever they are in July-August of this year, the Council of Stewards has decided to postpone the next in-person Mythcon until summer of 2022; the date will be July 29-August 1, 2022. Our venue and Guests of Honor have all agreed to this change and the conference theme will remain the same.

Because the costs associated with a virtual online event are less than the costs of an in person event, if you are already a member of Mythcon 51, your membership will automatically "roll over" to next year (Mythcon 52 in 2022) but if you cannot attend next year, please contact and request a refund of your Mythcon 51 membership. For those who paid the non-member prices, your membership in the Mythopoeic Society associated with joining the conference will be extended by a year (again!). Thank you for understanding.

The virtual option will be very different from our usual Mythcons, but what we miss out on we hope to make up for in new and different ways, and we’ll see everyone once it’s safe to do so. On some level this is a chance to get back to our Mythopoeic Society roots and gather with friends (if virtually!) to just discuss what we love. Best of all, the cost of registration will be steeply reduced, though prices have not been set yet.

Check back for confirmed details in Mythprint #397 as well as Mythlore #138, and as always on our website, Thank you for understanding!

Call for Papers (subject to change)

Papers of the traditional Mythopoeic variety are still welcome, though we are looking forward to trying out a new panel model that we are calling Panel Discussions (see below).

Time slots: Individual long papers may still have hour-long time slots but are now encouraged to be no more than 30 minutes for the paper and 15 minutes for discussion; Individual short papers about 15 minutes for the paper and 10 minutes for discussion; Panels are now 60 minutes, about 30 minutes for the panel and 20 minutes for discussion. For traditional paper and panel proposals:

Email papers abstracts of 200-500 words to:
Cami Agan (Papers Coordinator),

Email panels abstracts of 50-150 words to:
Leslie Donovan (Panels Coordinator),

Presenters who have already submitted have the option of presenting at Mythcon 51 virtually or being automatically accepted into the Mythcon 52 program. All presenters must register for the conference at which they wish to present.

Eligible presenters should see details on our Alexei Kondratiev student paper award at:

Discussion Panel and Alternative Programming Options
Though we have not formally revised the call for papers just yet, we are excited to experiment with different presentation models that may work better over an online platform, privileging panels of short papers or group discussion panels.

Have a topic in mind you want to discuss, but pandemic brain has got you down so you don’t want to write a paper about it? Revive the roots of the Society by proposing to Moderate a Discussion Panel for Mythcon 51—virtually! Moderators would need to come prepared with a mythopoeic discussion topic, some opening remarks, some questions for the attendees, and plan to facilitate discussion.

Want to submit a Discussion Panel, or have an idea for Alternative Virtual Mythcon programming?
Email 200-500 word proposals to:
Megan Abrahamson

The new deadline for submissions is May 15, 2021. Please check in on Facebook, Twitter, or for an updated and complete Call For Papers as well as other updates about the now-virtual conference. 

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